Anime OVA (Original Video Animation) | Hybrid (2D + 3D Animation) | Action, Robot/Mecha, Science Fiction
Voice Director: Kevin SeymourUS Release: Feb 28, 1995 - Apr 10, 1996
Japan Release: Aug 25, 1994 - Jun 25, 1995
Animation Studio: Triangle Staff
Voice Production: Animaze Inc
1,869th This Week
Franchise: MacrossCredit Verification: Official Credits
His bull in a china shop tendencies finally having exhausted his superiors, promising U.N. Spacy pilot Isamu is reassigned from combat to serve as a test pilot to determine which new valkyrie will make up the new fleet. By fate, his new rival in the tests turns out to be his old rival for the affections of "the one who got away," herself brought back into both their lives through her job as the human singer needed to make a virtual idol's music transcend the uncanny valley.
This 4 episode OVA was originally released in English by Manga Entertainment on VHS in the USA. There are two dubs of episode 4--the one originally released by Manga on VHS on April 10, 1996 and a second produced by the original licensor at an unknown later date. The second dub of episode 4 features Riva Spier and Ralph Votrian reprising their roles as Myung and Higgins and David Hayter, Michael Gregory, Derek Stephen Prince, and Bridget Hoffman taking over as Isamu, Guld, Yang, and Sharon respectively. The alternate dub of episode 4 was apparently first released on March 31, 2000 via inclusion on a Japanese-released Laserdisc.